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  • Writer's pictureNick Anderson

Top 3 Exercises for Skiers

🔥Best Skiing Exercise🔥

It’s impossible to choose the best exercises for skiing, but I wanted to highlight 3 of my favorite general exercises that can be used for any level of skiing to help performance.

⚠️ These can be a nice adjunct to a full fitness program, so try adding these in a few days per week!

1️⃣ Copenhagen Planks /Drops can help strengthen the groin muscles which help us hold an edge and get wide when carving.

2️⃣ Quad Nordic Eccentrics can help with quad endurance during longer, steeper runs.

3️⃣ Anterior Tib Raises can help keep your weight forward into the front of your boot.

Ideally, adding 2-3 sets up to 20 reps, 2x per week during the ski season will help maintain some strength without hindering performance on the hill!

If you are a skier, don't miss out on the rest of the season with a nagging injury or poor performance on the hill.

Contact Dr. Nick today:

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